Our drug development pipeline includes a tumor-selective small molecule radiosensitizer for chemotherapy and radiotherapy for a wide range of solid malignancies and a radio-activated tumor-selective molecular drug delivery platform.

Empyrean Therapeutics, in close partnership with the University of California, San Diego, is developing a unique pipeline of therapeutic compounds to transform the field of cancer treatment.

Empyrean’s Therapeutics division is operating and conducting its research and development at the UCSD Center for Novel Therapeutics to advance these candidates to pre-IND studies and subsequent clinical trials. Empyrean is also developing a TOLL-2 Receptor Antagonist: a unique, orally bioavailable, and well-tolerated small molecule inhibitor for treating brain and pancreatic cancers that has thus far shown promising activity. With two promising therapeutics in our pipeline thus far, Empyrean is poised to improve patient outcomes… For Good!